Prairie's Got the Goods Week

Prairie's Got the Goods Week will be taking place March 10th to 14th, 2025. These webinars will be taking place at 12:00pm MT (local time for Saskatchewan and Alberta). More details about each webinar are on the way! 

Stay tuned for more webinar announcements and our new program - Coffee Table Conversations! 

Monday March 10th Tuesday March 11th  Wednesday March 12th  Thursday March 13th  Friday March 14th 
Topic: The Importance of Native Prairie from a Métis Perspective, Buffalo and the Métis Guardian Program Pollinators, their importance, and how we can support them Measuring nature’s benefits: A wetland ecosystem services tool for Prairie Canada NCC Prairie Conservation Plan  Soil carbon storage in Saskatchewan's Grasslands
Colin Arlt and Amanda Keller-Jack  Jordan Phelps Dr. Lauren Bortolotti Jeremy Hogan Cameron Carlyle
Metis Nation Saskatchewan  Pollinator Partnership Canada Ducks Unlimited Canada  Nature Conservancy of Canada University of Albera
More Information More Information More Information More Information  

SK PCAP's Prairie's Got the Goods Week is Presented by: 





