SK PCAP Program Support

Prickly Pear Cactus. Photo by Krista Connick.
SK PCAP gratefully acknowledges confirmed financial support in 2024-25 from:
- Canadian Forage and Grassland Association
- Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC)
- Environment and Climate Change Canada - Priority Places
- North American Helium
- Nutrien
- Parks Canada - Grasslands National Park (PC-GNP)
- Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA)
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment - Fish and Wildlife Development Fund (FWDF)
- SaskEnergy
- SaskPower
- SaskWater
- TC Energy
- University of Regina
- University of Saskatchewan - College of Agriculture and Bioresources, College of Arts and Science and the Department of Plant Sciences
- Water Security Agency
- Wildlife Habitat Canada
SK PCAP gratefully acknowledges in-kind support in 2024-2025 from:
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) - Science & Technology Branch
- Birds Canada
- Canadian Parks & Wilderness Association
- Canadian Western Agribition
- Ducks Unlimited Canada
- Environment and Climate Change Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service
- Meewasin Valley Authority
- Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan
- Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Nature Saskatchewan (NS)
- Parks Canada - Grasslands National Park (PC-GNP)
- Prairie Wind & Silver Sage - Friends of Grasslands
- Redberry Lake Biosphere Region
- Saskatchewan Aboriginal Land Technicians
- Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
- Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds
- Saskatchewan Bison Association
- Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre
- Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association
- Saskatchewan Environmental Society
- Saskatchewan Forage Council
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport
- Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA)
- Saskatchewan Stock Growers Foundation (SSGF)
- Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation
- SaskEnergy
- SaskOutdoors
- SaskPower
- Society for Range Management - Prairie Parkland Chapter (SRM-PPC)
- South of the Divide Conservation Action Program Inc
- University of Regina
- University of Saskatchewan - College of Agriculture and Bioresources, College of Arts and Science and the Department of Plant Sciences
- Water Security Agency