Past Native Prairie Restoration/Reclamation Workshop Presentations
For a PDF copy of these presentations, please contact the SK PCAP office at (306) 352-0472 or
2015 Native Prairie Restoration and Reclamation Workshop
- Prairie Restoration as a Landscape Conservation Strategy
Chris Helzer, The Nature Conservancy, Aurora Nebraska “The Prairie Ecologis” - A Step-by-step of Planning a Native Prairie Restoration Project
Steven Tannas, Tannas Conservation Services - Creating a Reclamation Cultivar
Jay Woosaree, Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures - Invasive Species of Concern in SK
Chet Neufeld, SK Invasive Species Council - Case Study: A Toolbox for Handling Invasive Species
Kerry Hecker, Canadian Wildlife Services – Environment Canada - Seed Testing Processes and Requirements
Morgan Webb, Seed Check Technologies - The Ecology of Recover: From Mines to Marshes
Dave Polster, Society for Ecological Restoration – Western Chapter - Incorporating Economics in Ecosystem Restoration
Dr. Kim Rollins, Visiting Scholar, Environment Canada (University of Nevada) - Creating a Seed Mix
Steven Tannas, Tannas Conservation Services - Breeding of Native Grasses
Bruce Coulman, University of Saskatchewan - Advances in Mining Stewardship - Wetlands, Native Prairie and Rare Plants
Emily Clausen, Westmoreland Coal / Amber Smith, Stantec - Forming a Native Plant Cooperative for Southern Alberta and the Prairies
Marilyn Neville & Ross Dahl, Foothills Restoration Forum - Beaver Creek Restoration
Luc Delanoy, Meewasin Valley Authority - Riparian Restoration on the Swift Current Creek – 1 Year Update
Karlah Rudolph, Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards - Wetland Restoration in Practice
Aron Hershmiller, Assiniboine Watershed Stewards - Wetland Restoration and Enhancement through the National Wetland Conservation Fund
Darcy Henderson, Canadian Wildlife Services – Environment Canada - Silver Sage Conservation Site: Return of the Prairies
Brad Downey, Alberta Conservation Association - Native Revegetation on an Industrial Scale – Pushing Boundaries
Chris Penner, Scatliff+Miller+Murray - Wild Seed Harvesting
Renny Grilz, Blazing Star Wildflowers - Wildlife-Friendly Fences: Mythical Creatures or Practical Solutions?
Paul Jones, Alberta Conservation Association
2014 Native Prairie Restoration and Reclamation Workshop
- Native Prairie Restoration – Daryl Smith – Tallgrass Prairie Centre, University of Northern Iowa
- Natural Recovery for Grassland Revegetation - Etienne Soulodre - Water Security Agency
- Economics of Native Prairie Restoration - Dale Gross - Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Wetland Restoration - Kelly Rempel - Ducks Unlimited Canada
- Restoration: Theory and Practice - An Overview of Basics and Planning - Larry Gabruch - Native Plant Solutions
- Seed Regulations & Seed Analysis Reclaimation Workshop - Seed Testing Methods - Morgan Webb - Seed Check Technologies
- Successful Restoration of Fescue Grasslands in South Western Alberta - Steven Tannas - Tannas Conservation Services
- Bioengineering as a component of community-based eco-action towards riparian restoration - Karlah Rudolph - Swift Current Creek Watershed Stewards
- Reclamation and Conversion to Native Grasslands in Alberta: Available Resources, Training Initiatives, and Monitoring Requirements - Ron McNeil - Landwise, Barry Adams - Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
- Reclamation in Native Prairie: A SaskPower Experience – Constructing a high voltage transmission line - Hélène Careau - SaskPower
- Restoring Our Prairie Heritage - Lessons From 26 Years of Planting Prairie - John Morgan - Prairie Habitats Inc.
- Energy Sector Footprint - is natural regeneration or active restoration the way to go? - Mark Sherrington - Shell Canada
- Alberta Rangelands - Moving from Reclamation to Restoration - Barry Adams - Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
- Prairie Fire: Fire History and changes in songbird abundance in Grasslands National Park - Carolyn Gaudet - Grasslands National Park
- From intentions to success in Native Plant revegetation: a Landscape Architect's perspective - Bob Somers - Scatliff + Miller + Murray
2012 Native Prairie Restoration and Reclamation Workshop
- The Important Connection between Native Prairie and Species at Risk - Brad Downey, Alberta Prairie Conservation Forum
- Native Prairie Restoration: Theory vs. Reality - Mark Majerus, USDA Plant Material Centre
- Results from the Native Plant Materials Industry Assessment: Where are we and Where are we Going? - Chet Neufeld, Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan Inc.
- Greencover Survey Results - Craig Gatzke, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Agri-Environment Services Branch
- Native Seed Provider Presentation: How to Grow Native Grass for Seed AND Stay Married! – John Skinner, Skinner Native Seeds
- Native Seed User Presentation: Spirit of the Prairie – Vince Petherbridge, EnviroScapes Inc.
- Native Seed Provider/User: Forward Contracts for Ecological Restoration – Thomson Farms (Dinsmore, SK) and Darcy Henderson, Environment Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service
- Successful Project Planning: an Overview of Five Urban Re-vegetation Projects - Trace Johnston, Bedrock Environmental Services Ltd.
- Grassland Restoration Challenges and Opportunities: Laura James, Grasslands National Park of Canada
- Native Prairie Reclamation: a Case Study from Poplar River Mine: Emily Clauson, Sherritt Coal
- Challenges of Gravel Pit Reclamation on a Federal Community Pasture in Central Manitoba - Mae Elsinger, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Agri-Environment Services Branch
- Putting it All Together in the Prairie: Renny Grilz, Nature Conservancy Canada
- Using Native Seed: a Producer Perspective on Native Prairie Restoration – Art McElroy, Dayspring Farms
- Prescribed Burning Management – Robin Hamilton, Ducks Unlimited Canada
- Managing Invasive Plants while Restoring Native Prairie – Monica Pokorny, Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
- Long-Term Grazing and Forage Production on Re-Established Native Grassland in Southern Saskatchewan – Alan Iwaasa, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre
- Establishment and Restoration at Meewasin Valley Authority – Mike Velonas, Meewasin Valley Authority
- Long-term Monitoring of Kinder Morgan’s Express Pipeline Restoration Project – Jane Lancaster, Kestrel Research Inc.
- Restoration and Maintenance of Fescue Grasslands in Prince Albert National Park – Dustin Guedo, Parks Canada
- Tackling Restoration Issues using Science and Information Exchange – Marilyn Neville, Foothills Restoration Forum
- Assessment Form for Success of Native Prairie Restoration - Workshop Leads: Kerry Hecker (Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service) & Chet Neufeld (Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan)
- Native Seed Mixes and Orders – Quality Assurance - Workshop Lead: Tara Mulhern-Davidson (Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Agri-Environment Services Branch)
- Native Seed Mixes and Orders – Quality Assurance - Workshop Lead: Larry Gabruch (Nature Conservancy of Canada)
- Restoration Funding Sources, Criteria and How to Fill Out the Application - Workshop Lead: Vicki Asu (Environment Canada, Environmental Damages Fund and EcoAction Fund)
2011 Native Prairie Restoration and Reclamation Workshop
- The Art and Science of Restoration – Mark Majerus, USDA Plant Material Centre
- Overview of Native Prairie in Canada – Jeff Thorpe, Saskatchewan Research Council
- Alberta Policy and Regulations for Grassland Reclamation Criteria, Evolution of the Criteria from 1995 to Today – Prepared by the Reclamation Criteria Advisory Group (RCAG) - Jody Spady, Husky Energy
- Restoration Success Through Neighbour and Density Management - Scott Wilson, University of Regina
- The Benefits of Seeding Native Prairie - Paul Jefferson, Western Beef Development Centre
- Steps to Successfully Revegetating Grasslands with Native Species - Michael Champion, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Agri-Environment Services Branch
- Howland Native Prairie Restoration - Progress Report - Gary Howland, Producer from Lumsden, SK
- Revegetation After Brush Removal on Narcisse Community Pasture - Bev Dunlop, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada – Agri-Environment Services Branch
- NEB Regulatory Process and Native Prairie Protection - Dylan Adderley, National Energy Board
- Manitoba Mixed-Grass Prairie Habitat Stewardship Project - Kathy Murray, Critical Wildlife Habitat Program
- Investing in Native Prairie and Biodiversity - Diana Ghikas, Environment Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service
- Case Study: Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Old Man on His Back Ranch - Revegetation of 1,100 Acres of Dry Mixed Grass Prairie - Renny Grilz, Nature Conservancy of Canada
- MULTISAR Project: Restoring Native Grassland in Southeastern Alberta - Emily Pollak, MULTISAR
- Morton Purchase: A Case Study for Management - Robin Hamilton, Ducks Unlimited Canada
- Restoring Tallgrass Prairie in Beaudry Provincial Park, Manitoba - Jessica Elliott, Manitoba Parks and Natural Areas
- Canadian Wildlife Service High Diversity Restoration - Kerry Hecker, Environment Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service
- From Bird Biologist to Range Agrologist – A Harrowing Story - Susan Skinner, Operation Grasslands Community
- Seed Availability and Equipment Selection: The Technical Side of Seeding - Larry Gabruch, Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Economics of Seeding Native Forage - Richard McBride, Ducks Unlimited Canada
- A Snapshot of the Native Plant Industry and its Implications for Restoration Efforts - Chet Neufeld, Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan Inc.
The Session Recordings from the 2021 NPRRW are now available on the SK PCAP YouTube Channel. Check out the NPRRW 2021 Playlist!
For your reference: 8th NPRRW Downloadable Event Program
Platinum Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors:




Silver Sponsor:

Bronze Sponsors:
Earthmaster Environmental Strategies Inc.
Advertising Sponsor:
Alberta Society of Professional Biologists
Participant Sponsor:
Society for Range Management - Prairie Parkland Chapter

Presentations from the Virtual 2022 NPRRW are now available on the 2022 NPRRW Playlist on the SK PCAP YouTube Channel.
The Native Prairie Restoration/Reclamation Workshop would not be possible without the support of the following sponsors:

10th Native Prairie Restoration/Reclamation Workshop
Event Theme: "Building Bridges to Tomorrow: Restoration and Reclamation for the Future"
Date: February 7th to 8th, 2024
Venue: Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon, SK.
Abstracts and speaker bios can be found on the PheedLoop NPRRW Event website and the PheedLoop app. Attendees should have received an email with their app login information.
Event Program for February 7th
Event Program for February 8th
Oral Presentation Guidelines for NPRRW Speakers
Pre-Event Workshop
New this year, we are pleased to offer a Pre-Workshop Event on February 6th, 2024.
Pre-workshop Event : Planning a Prairie Prescribed Fire
Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsors:

Banquet Sponsor:
Participant Sponsors:
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
SIGA - Corporate Office
Bronze Sponsors:
Alberta Prairie Conservation Forum
Good Lands Environmental Inc.
Kingston Midstream Saskatchewan Limited
Poster Session Sponsor: TerraLogix Solutions Inc
Friends: BrettYoung and Tannas Conservation Services Ltd.