SK PCAP Partnership

Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada - Science & Technology Branch

300-2010 12th Ave. Regina, SK S4P 0M3 

Fax: (306) 523-6767

PO Box 1030 Swift Current, SK  S9H 3X2
Fax: (306) 778-3188


Sean R. Asselin, Ph.D.

Ph: (306) 750-2093; E-mail:

Fardausi (Shathi) Akhter, Ph.D.

Ph: (306) 695-5126; E-mail:



Website »

Birds Canada

115 Perimeter Road Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0X4


Kiel Drake, Director Prairie Region

Ian Cook, Grassland Conservation Manager

Mission: Our mission is to drive action to increase the understanding, appreciation, and conservation of birds in Canada. Every day, our thousands of caring donors, more than 70 passionate staff, and 74,000 outstanding volunteers are taking action. Together, we are Canada’s voice for birds.



Website »

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)

Box 25106, River Heights RPO, Saskatoon, SK  S7K 8B7


Gord Vaadeland, Executive Director
Ph: (306) 469-7876; E-mail:

Kelsey Olson, Indigenous and Stakeholder Relations

Mandate: CPAWS Saskatchewan is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity and wilderness in Saskatchewan. Our mission is achieved through helping to establish protected areas and by promoting land and resource use that is sustainable for nature, communities and the economy.

Website »

Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC)

1030 Winnipeg Street, Regina, SK  S4R 8P8
Ph: (306) 569-0424


Chuck Deschamps
Box 670, Wadena, SK, S0A 4J0
Ph: (306) 338-3677 (Ex. 3); Fax: (306) 338-2199; E-mail:

Mission: Ducks Unlimited Canada conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.

Vision for Canada: Ducks Unlimited Canada is working to achieve a mosaic of natural, restored and managed landscapes capable of perpetually sustaining populations of waterfowl and other wildlife.


Website »

Environment and Climate Change Canada - Canadian Wildlife Service (EC-CWS)


Sarah Ludlow


Mandate: Environment Canada's mandate is to preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment; conserve Canada's renewable resources; conserve and protect Canada's water resources; forecast weather and environmental change; enforce rules relating to boundary waters; and coordinate environmental policies and programs for the federal government. 
EC Canadian Wildlife Service is responsible for the protection and management of migratory birds and nationally important wildlife habitat, endangered species, research on nationally important wildlife issues, control of international trade in endangered species, and international treaties.

Website »

Meewasin Valley Authority

402 3 Ave S, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3G5


Renny Grilz


The Meewasin Valley Authority exists to ensure a healthy and vibrant river valley, with a balance between human use and conservation by:

- Providing leadership in the management of its resources;
- Promoting understanding, conservation and beneficial use of the Valley; and
- Undertaking programs and projects in river valley development and conservation,
for the benefit of present and future generations.

Website »

Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan Inc. (NPSS)

Box 21099, Saskatoon, SK, S7H 5N9
Ph: (306) 668-3940


Chet Neufeld

Mandate: To promote understanding, and conservation of native plants and their ecosystems by facilitating communication, research, and education.

Website »

Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)

#700-1777 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 4K5


Cameron Wood
Ph: (306) 347-0447 or 1-866-662-7275; Fax: (306) 347-2345;

Mandate: The Nature Conservancy of Canada is the only national charity dedicated to preserving ecologically significant natural areas, places of special beauty and educational interest, through outright purchase, land donation and conservation agreement.

Website »

Nature Saskatchewan (NS)

206-1860 Lorne Street, Regina, SK, S4P 2L7
Ph: (306) 780-9273 or 1-800-667-4668; Fax: (306) 780-9263


Rebecca Magnus

Ph: (306) 780-9270; E-mail:

Mandate: To promote appreciation and understanding of our natural environment through education and, through conservation and research, to protect and conserve natural ecosystems and their biodiversity.

Website »

Parks Canada-Grasslands National Park of Canada (PC-GNP)

Box 150, Highway 4, Val Marie, SK, S0N 2T0
Fax: (306) 298-4505


Heather Facette
Ph: (306) 298-2166 (Ext 227); E-mail:

Maggi Sliwinski                                                                                                                                                             Ph: (306) 774-2587; Email:

Mandate: To protect, for all time, a representative part of the Prairie Grasslands Natural Region; and to encourage public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the park's natural and cultural heritage values, in ways that leave them unimpaired for future generations.

Website »

Redberry Lake Biosphere Region

Box 221, Hafford, SK  S0J 1A0; Ph: (306) 549-4060;
Fax: (306) 549-4061; E-mail:


John Kindrachuk
Box 977, Speers, SK  S0M 2V0
Ph: (306) 549-2360 or (306) 246-4863 or (306) 549-7623; E-mail:

Mandate: Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve was designated by the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a biosphere reserve under its Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Program on January 21, 2000 in Paris. The designation formally recognizes the region's commitment to the conservation of biological diversity, the pursuit of sustainable economic development and the creation of opportunities for education, research and experimental approaches to improved land management.

Website »

Salthaven West

Box 31123 Normanview PO, Regina, SK, S4R 8R6


Angela Tremka
Ph: (639) 999-4957 E-mail:

Mandate: To promote the wellbeing of Saskatchewan wildlife and their natural habitats through the rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned, and displaced wildlife, and through community education to foster peaceful coexistence with wildlife.

Website »

Saskatchewan Aboriginal Land Technicians

94-335 Packham Ave Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 4S1


Breanna Salm


To circulate new ideas, strategies and regional policies as they relate to lands management.

A forum for experienced First Nation Lands Technicians and INAC Land Managers, to discuss issues and concerns around the implementation and administration of land management programs in the Saskatchewan Region in an open non-political environment.

Website »

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM)

2075 Hamilton Street, Regina, SK  S4P 2E1


Bill Huber

Mandate: SARM delivers timely, dependable services to meet the needs of its members while influencing government policy and facilitating municipalities to work together to foster rural development and build strong, sustainable communities.

Website »

Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW)

Box 1177 Moose Jaw, SK S4H 4P9


Macey Howell

Mission: SAW is a key provider of Saskatchewan’s watershed stewardship, with a vision of sustainable watersheds to support life and health.

Website »

Saskatchewan Bison Association

Box 31, Regina, SK  S4P 2Z5


Merek Wigness

Mission: The mission of the Saskatchewan Bison Association is to facilitate opportunities for the Saskatchewan bison industry to grow and prosper.

Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre (SBOIC)

250 Thatcher Drive East, Moose Jaw, SK, S6J 1L7
Ph: (306) 692-8710; Fax: (306) 692-2762

Lori Johnson

Mandate: To promote conservation of the burrowing owl and native prairie habitat through education, eco-tourism, conservation and stewardship.

Website »

Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association (SCA)

102-2255 13th Ave, Regina, SK   S4P 0V6
Phone: 1(877) 908-2333


Wade Back


Mission: to promote the well being of all production sectors of the Saskatchewan Beef Cattle Industry through effective representation from all regions of the province.

Website »

Saskatchewan Environmental Society (SES)

Box 1372, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 3N9
Ph: (306) 665-1915; Fax: (306) 955-5852


Logan Salm

Mandate: To support and encourage the creation of a global community in which all needs are met in sustainable ways.

Website »

Saskatchewan Forage Council (SFC)

Box 71 Dilke, SK, S0G 1C0
Ph/Fax: (306) 329-3116
Cell: (306) 270-0624


Shelanne Wiles Longley

Mandate: To enhance the province's forage and grassland industry, including production, harvesting, marketing and sustainability.

Website »

Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA)
Website »

3085 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 0B1


Kelsi Christopher
Ph: 306-778-8956 ; E-mail:

Mandate: To foster a commercially viable, self-sufficient and sustainable agriculture sector. Working with individuals, businesses, communities, and governments, the Ministry will assist farmers and ranchers, encourage higher value production and processing and promote sustainable economic development in rural Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources

1000, 2103 - 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8

Dominique Levin

Phone: (306) 787-1520; Email:


Website »

Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (SME)

3211 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 5W6
Phone: 1-800-567-4224; Email:


Beatriz Prieto Diaz (Fish, Wildlife and Lands Branch)
Ph. (306) 787-8200; E-mail:

Mandate: A high quality environment, and healthy ecosystems in perpetuity which sustain social, health and economic well-being for Saskatchewan citizens.

Website »

Saskatchewan Ministry of Parks, Culture & Sport (PCS)

1st floor, 3211 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4S 5W6
Phone: 306-787-5729 ; Email:


Dale Gross, Grassland Ecologist
Ph. 306-787-0283; E-mail:

Mandate: The ministry’s strategic focus is on quality of life and economic growth. The ministry works with diverse groups and communities to enhance the Province’s cultural, artistic, recreational and social life; to promote excellence in the arts, culture, heritage and sport; and to represent the interests of the province’s French-language population. The ministry manages and enhances Saskatchewan’s provincial parks system, conserves ecosystems and cultural resources, and provides recreational and interpretive opportunities for park visitors.

Website »

Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association (SSGA) - PCAP CHAIR

Box 4752, Regina, SK, S4P 3Y4
Ph: (306) 757-8523; Fax: (306) 569-8799


Carolyn Gaudet, SK PCAP Manager
Box 4752, Regina, SK, S4P 3Y4
Ph: (306) 352-0472; Fax: (306) 569-8799; E-mail:

Kelly Williamson, SK PCAP Chair

Box 107, Pambrun, SK S0N 1W0
Ph: (306) 582-7774; E-mail:


Mandate: To serve, protect and advance the interests of the Beef Industry in Saskatchewan through communication, education, research, and advocacy to help ensure a prosperous, viable and healthy future for individuals and the livestock industry.

Website »

Saskatchewan Stock Growers Foundation

PO Box 37078 RPO Landmark Regina, SK S4S 7K3
Ph: 306-530-1385


Brant Kirychuk, General Manager

Mission: Our mission is to protect and conserve native rangelands and the wildlife that depend on them in working landscapes by acquiring conservation easements in accordance with the Conservation Easements Act and entering into conservation agreements with landowners in Saskatchewan.

Website »

Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF)

9 Lancaster Road, Moose Jaw, SK, S6J 1M8
Ph: (306) 692-8812; Fax: (306) 692-4370


Larry Pfliger

Ph: (306) 695-2104; Cell: (306) 535-7447

Mandate: To ensure the wildlife legacy we leave to our children surpasses that which we inherited.

Website »


700-1777 Victoria Avenue Regina, SK S4P 4K5

Ashley Syrgiannis

Mission: Deliver natural gas in a safe, reliable, affordable way.

Vision: Create customer value through safe, innovative energy solutions.

Website »



Leah Japp

Mandate: SaskOutdoors (the Saskatchewan Outdoor and Environmental Education Association) encourages educators and people who participate in outdoor recreation to practice and teach environmental responsibility.

Website »

SaskPower (SP)

2025 Victoria Avenue Regina, SK S4P 4K5

Andrew Urzada

Mission: Ensuring reliable, sustainable and cost-effective power for our customers and the communities we serve.

Vision: Powering Saskatchewan to a cleaner energy future through innovation, performance and service.

Website »

Society for Range Management (SRM) - Prairie Parkland Chapter


Amanda Muller

Renny Grilz
Ph: (306) 262-4970; E-mail:

Mandate: To promote and enhance the stewardship of rangelands to meet human needs based on science and sound policy.

Website »

South of the Divide Conservation Action Program Inc. (SODCAP)


Krista Connick Todd

Mandate: The South of the Divide Conservation Action Program Inc. (SODCAP) believes that success lies in developing programs cooperatively, making habitat management for species at risk an important priority while also ensuring economic sustainability on the landscape. Biodiversity is important to the economic well-being of Saskatchewan. Native prairie supplies important habitat for so many of our species at risk, and wildlife as a whole. A healthy ecosystem is a sustainable one , for everyone involved: wildlife, birds, native plants, species at risk, livestock, and humans!

Website »

University of Regina (UofR)

3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK, S4S 0A2


Dr. Josef Buttigieg - Associate Professor, Department of Biology
Telephone: 306-337-2569

Mandate: The University of Regina is a scholarly community that serves the large community by advancing, sharing and applying knowledge, and by facilitating the development of thoughtful, creative, adaptable, contributing and humane citizens.

Website »

University of Saskatchewan (UofS) - College of Agriculture & Bioresources

51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK  S7N 5A8


Eric Lamb
Ph: (306) 966-1799

Mandate: To achieve excellence in the scholarly activities of teaching, discovering, preserving, and applying knowledge.

Website »

Water Security Agency (WSA)

400-111 Fairford Street East, Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 7X9
Ph: (306) 694-3900; Fax: (306) 694-3465


Magfur Rahman
300-2365 Albert Street, Regina, SK, S4P 4K1
Ph: (306) 551-3786; E-mail:

Vision: To be the best water management agency in North America providing safe, reliable water that drives economic growth.

Website »